Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Preparing for hospital

Lucky penguin; Check. Monkey; Check. Kindle; Check

All essential items packed in readiness for another trip to hospital for Josh. We're booked in for a scan and to find out the issue with his shunt. Quite daunting but can't come soon enough to be honest as we're eager to find out what's wrong.  

After an afternoon puréeing a variety of orange coloured veggies yesterday, today I dusted down the high chair and anti-bac'd it within an inch of its life.  Set it up so Josh could watch his big sis tuck into her tea.  He was fascinated and munched his fists as she teased him by waving pasta twirls at him chanting "you're too little for pasta".

Not long now little man!  

Wish us luck tomorrow if they do need to operate and will send updates.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see this until he'd already come home! Best wishes for the weekend!
